In Him, I live and move and have my being. This blog has been created for the purpose of updating people on my time spent in Alaska, but more importantly to glorify God, and lift up the name of Jesus. Enjoy, comment, and ask questions. :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Weekend of Boating...& my first catch...

Well, I had a crazy, exciting, adventurous weekend, the 7th-9th. Friday night was a trip to Clear Water, a place where the river branches off, pretty windy & narrower. My friends Sarah & Matt took us out & 2 of their kids were enjoying trying to shoot at the beavers we saw & birds.

Matt & Sarah
Saturday afternoon we left for Kotlik, stopped a few times looking for moose/shooting at birds. It's about a 3 hr boat ride. It was my first time being to another village in the district so that was really exciting. After seeing Kotlik, I'm pretty glad I live in Mountain. Mountain Village just feels a lot bigger.  I got to have a tour of the school & village. The next day's plan was take a boat ride out to the coast-Bearing Sea, come back eat, warm up & leave. Instead we headed towards the coast, but the tide was up so we needed to maneuver around the sand bars...& we got stuck on one & we all got to push.  Apparently, there's a lot of them & you need someone along who can steer you through the channels, Pius-Sarah's brother was our guide, but we still seemed to be running into them. So, we had decided to head back w/o going all the way out to the coast.

We then headed back to Kotlik, but spotted something on the beach-it ended up being a decaying walrus carcass-the guys wanted to explore, but then heard a growl & tree branches shaking & Pius ran back to the boat, Matt said he saw the head of the bear. I just saw the branches moving. I wish I would have seen it but at the same time not...  We left Kotlik about 4:30 and at about 7:30 spotted 2 bull moose. I shot, but should've waited till we got closer cuz I missed.  Then Sarah said we were headed into Blacky Slough & last year they saw about 20 moose there. First we saw a cow & calf, then my cow.

Sunday night we got back at 11 after quartering the moose & the hour boat ride back.  Monday & Tuesday night were busy, just with taking care of the moose-cutting it up, delivering it to elders in the community, grinding meat & then just doing my regularly scheduled activities-women’s bible study. Then Wednesday, I led my high school girls’ bible study.  After that, I felt like I could finally relax for a moment.

One more thing added into the week was Thursday night bonfire with 4 auditors who were in town checking out things at the District Office.  It was a fun time to get to meet a few new people.  One girl was from Russia-it was great learning a few things, I may plan a trip to St. Petersburg someday  :)

I'm really enjoying Mountain this year. It has definitely been better this second time around so far.  I'm going to try to take advantage of all the adventures I can this year. School is going well. I started out feeling very hopeful with my kids & I still am. One of my kids is like a whole new little girl this year, and I've had some good successes with a student staying full days too. Figuring out scheduling in the beginning of the year is always a challenge, but I think it is good for a while now. I'm really excited for this school year. God is very good & when I do have the rough times-eh hem this past week with little lower amounts of sleep-I know I can still make it through.
Prayer Requests
-Wisdom again for the church board/church in choosing a pastor.
-Continued prayers for me are welcomed, if you are willing, in thinking of building new relationships with people here, showing grace, mercy, love, speaking truth, being content, boldness, & encouraging other believers here with the Word.  

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sunday Stroll...

Yesterday was a wonderful day, besides cleaning my house for about 3 hrs-which was actually quite enjoyable-got to listen to sermons & music, I also ventured out on a walk by myself.  The day had so far consisted of cloudiness, sprinklings, pouring rain, sunshine, and again cloudiness.  I took my chances and went for a solo walk.  It was great to get the fresh air & enjoyed taking my time soaking it up. I first headed down by the river and walked along the shore for a while, then decided to hike Cupcake-the hill.  Along the path, I realized I maybe shouldn’t have went alone, but I was most the way up already and I decided to press on.  When just then I heard the sound of an animal pushing air hard out through his nostrils, then I turned…  
And there was NOTHING THERE!!!!!   Okay, I joke.  The main noises that God used to catch my attention was the sound of a bird’s wings in the breeze.  Amazingly awesome, so thankful for the quietness of those moments.  Then the rustling, brushing, crinkling of the leaves against each other on the bushes/mini-trees.  My favorite sounds are leaves when pushed into movement.  Such an absolutely wonderful sound to my ears.  I couldn’t help but think of the song:

Let everything that,
Let everything that,
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Yes, I know trees do not technically breathe, but still-let all creation praise the Lord!  When finally on top of the mountain, I went to side so I could see the view of the river as it wrapped around.  It’s so crazy to look out and just see forever (well not really forever…).  I think I could sit forever and gaze out at the scene.

When I decided I should head back down before a bear or moose found me, I thought it best to sing, once past the steeper inclines.  To my knowledge no one could hear me…  Sometimes it is just so great an experience to separate yourself to a place where you cannot be seen, heard, or found even; to be alone, collect your thoughts, praise the Lord, sing, pray, and maybe even dance (didn’t do that on this day  :P)  Yes, it could be done in a home I suppose-but nature just charges me.  It is a huge blessing and gift from God that I am able to take such delight in it. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

In Mountain Village, Let the Adventures Begin...

Waqaa! (A Warm Greeting in Yup'ik)

Welcome, year two in Mountain Village (MOU) is underway.  I arrived in MOU on Saturday, August 11th.  Since then, my new roommate and I have settled into our housing and have begun to make it feel homey.  To be honest, I was feeling a bit uncertain about the school year coming back.  However, I soon began to feel excited when kids on the playground began to greet me, remember me; and was greeted by parents & community members.  It has been quite the homecoming. 
Black/Blue Berries
Salmon Berries
With only being in MOU for about one week, I have actually done a good amount of things already.  Gathering of new teachers and returning teacher for dinner or supper is common occurrence, which began almost as soon as I was arrived.  A great gathering of friends took place down by the track for a bonfire one evening.  The track is on the outskirts of the village where people like to go to race 4 wheelers.  I love walking there.  It is so beautiful.  The trail ends at a bend in the river, where there are some larger trees as well, gorgeous, one of my favorite places here.  Another day, a group of us went out berry picking.  I stuck with blackberries & blueberries, and just ate the salmon berries.  The salmon berries are a little over ripe right now, kinda squishy.  The craziest thing I suppose I did since being here was swim in the Yukon River.  It was a very random act, but a lot of fun.   It reminded me of polar plunges I’ve done before.  However, through the influence of others, we actually remained in the water for quite awhile.  I practiced my side-stroke, doggy paddle, and froggy swim and got a fair amount of exercise when going against the current.   J   That evening ended with watching The Hungar Games, which I have lots of thoughts on, but will not go into now…  Last night, my roommate and I hosted our first game night, which included Catch Phrase & Cranium.

Kristy (new roomie), Amanda, I
 on a rainy windy walk up the hill.

Currently in MOU at Covenant Church we have no permanent pastor.  This month however, we have a man named Herb filling in for us.  It has been a joy and a blessing to have him with us.  We have also heard from the church board that there are two potential pastors they are looking at for our church.

I am excited for this year and look forward to seeing how God will use me and other believers here for his glory.  We have had school in-services since this past Thursday, and Monday will be our first work day.  Due to construction at the school, we have not been able to get into our classrooms yet.  School will start this Thursday!  I can hardly believe it! 

Prayer Requests:
-Wisdom for the church board in choosing a pastor.
-The 1st day of school for teachers & students-Thursday.
-I would rightly reflect Jesus to those around me, continue & build new relationships with people in MOU.
-Believers here would speak the truth in love, & not be silent when words are needed.

* To my church family at Calvary-thank you so much for all of your encouragement in the Lord and your prayers.  They are a refreshment to me in each day, and I miss you each daily.  

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Random Post...

In the mess of all who we are as people, as sinful people, God calls some to Himself.  Praise be to God if He, by His grace, by nothing I have done...would allow my eyes to be opened to the truth.  If however as a sinful person, what I deserved is an eternity in hell and have now been saved from that,  should I not cling to my Savior for giving me something I do not at all deserve?

It has been a difficult day for me with several factors I could list, but I will not.  However, a friend asked how I was doing and I shared with him vague information and though it was over facebook chat, he typed I will pray for you RIGHT (caps from me) now.  As I stopped what I was doing to focus on receiving that prayer, and doing my best to focus on truth.  God brought this song into my mind.

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name

Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Thankful to God for the encouragement received through a fellow Christ follower.  Praying that the eyes and the ears of all people would be opened to hear & understand.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tidbits from my week...

Hey everyone,

I know, I know...its been forever.  You're probably thinking this girl has got a million things to it happens days kinds of squish together and it turns out you can't really remember everything that happened sometimes...  But here's what I've got.

The picture to the right is some 9th-12th grade ladies and I, who have been coming for Bible study.  I believe I've mentioned it before that I'm co-leading with another lady, however she's been away traveling so it has been just me and the girls.  The girls are amazing and I've been loving getting to know each them more.  Anyway, when I've had the ladies we've been going through a study called Discovering God-which has been awesome!!  So far we have been learning a lot about God's character and who he is, while studying spirit beings, creation, the fall, Cain & Abel, the Flood...  If you feel so inclined--pray for the study that God would use the study to open eyes and ears to the Truth.

Let's has been FREEEZing here ever since we came back from Christmas break!!  Anywhere from -20 to -50....  However, within the freezing coldness I have gone on 2 snow machine rides and climbed the hill in -40 degree whether  :)  Not sick yet!! hahaha.  January has flooooown by and I feel like I'm running to catch up!

This past Saturday we had an optional training I went to about learning how to incorporate technology in to teaching.  The focus was on Garage Band.  If you happen to be on facebook there is a simple podcast I created for one of the activities, where I'm reading a poem by Shel Silverstein.  It was really cool to see all the things you can do, and looking forward to using it more in the classroom with students.

This week on Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night there will be Eskimo dancing!!  I believe there are about 4 other villages coming to participate.  It is a great time to be out in the community and get to know people.  Also, the more you watch the dancing you realize each one tells a story about the culture.  Stay tuned for pictures, I'll make sure my memory card is ready to go this time   :)

Hope you're all doing well, and I miss you bunches!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Really cold!  Hi all!  Everyday this week has been AT LEAST -30 degrees F.  For some reason today, someone had the idea to walk up the mountain here-it wasn't too cold until we got to the top and sat for awhile, more the same time though, it was great!! I hadn't been outside walking around here at all lately because its been so cold.  It was very refreshing.  Also, someone that was with us on the walk said something that I've often thought, "How can people not believe there is a God?"  There is such beauty in God's creation.  I enjoyed making a snow angel and jumping around in the snow; we saw lots of bunny tracks too.  Later, a large group of us went over to a teacher's place and had some wonderful Philippino food.  I also got to maqii, take steam with my friend Sarah.  It is kind of like being in a sauna, reeaallly hot & makes you sweat a ton.  It makes your skin feel great!

I just checked my gmail account this evening also and read an e-mail from my pastor about the readings for tomorrow in Sleepy Eye at Calvary, and was thankful to read,  "This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” ~Acts 4:11-12

I am so thankful for the friends God has blessed me with here.  I've had a great reminder today to remember God's character, it really does shape how we view everything-especially the trials that come upon us each day-whether it be ourselves, our friends, job, or family.  God is good, let us not doubt His goodness, and His perfect plans for us.   

Miss u friends, family!!  

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm in Alaska!

Hi everyone!

In case you are wondering, I am alive, and have made it to Mountain Village, Alaska safely.  :)  Just to share some of the past details with you I will back track.  The journey started on August 7th when my plane left the airport in MN at about 9 a.m.  From there I flew to Anchorage, a 5ish hour flight.  After I arrived, I was picked up by the Lower Yukon School District Human Resources person and brought to the Hilton.  August 8th through the 12th were days of inservice, learning about how our new computers worked, the curriculum, how the school grading system is set up, and a full day of shopping for all the things I would need once I arrived in the village.  It was a very busy and jam-packed week!  I never thought I would spend so much on groceries!!  However, I had to remind myself that it would actually be cheaper buying in bulk than buying from the store in the village, and that I was buying supplies for a year, or at least half the year.  I met so many wonderful people in Anchorage, everyone has been so great, friendly, helpful, and supportive.  Essie is one girl I met from Arkansas, who explained to her dad on the phone that we "got tickled" (laughing/giggling) about something that happened.  She is awesome!  I have decided to try and use that phrase, but I am certain it won't sound the same because I am not from Arkansas....  :)

Saturday morning the 13th, Jamie, the other new hire for Mountain Village, and I flew out of Anchorage to our village.  It was a smaller plane and it seemed very much like we were not moving while we were in the air, and at a few different times I was almost certain we weren't and that we would I prayed a lot on the flight.  However, we did not crash-because it is a smaller plane you feel more...not sure how to explain it.  We flew to St. Mary's where we had intended to then fly to Mountain Village, however we ended up driving there on a very bumpy road.  :)  I was kind of glad we drove because the plane we would have taken would have been even smaller than the one we were previously the pilot would have been within eye sight.

We arrived in Mountain Village at around 4ish I think, and got a tour of the town from Melanie, a teacher at the school, and my friend Anne who is also a teacher here. The town includes:  Post office, Community Center, AC grocery store, the Native store, School, District Office, Covenant Church, a Catholic Church, and a Russian Orthodox church (not actually sure where it's located).  I hope to post some pictures soon.  Our first evening in Mountain we were fed by Melanie and a few other teachers and had a game night!  Love them.  I attend the Covenant Church in town which is currently pastorless, please pray/continue to pray that God would provide someone to fill this role.

The 15th through the 20th was our work days/inservice week and we just wrapped up the 1st week of school yesterday.  At times it seems like this month has been such a whirl wind, time has gone by so quickly.  The first week of school was great, I've been doing my best to plan and prepare, review IEP's and come up with Behavior Intervention Plans for a couple of students.  I've had to wait for the regular education teacher's schedules before I can plan when to pull my students out for services.  The schedule has now been completed, but I am sure there will need to be revisions after I get feedback from the teachers to make sure it will work for everyone.  Hopefully, Tues/Wed I will start to have my kids.

After church this Sunday, Amanda, a missionary here, and I thought it would be great just to get together to sing some hymns. So around 3 we will be doing that, we also invited some other people from the school to join us. Also, at school there is a group of about 4 or 5 of us that pray for a little while before the day starts.  This is also a wonderful blessing.  I feel very encouraged each day by some of the ladies here in the community. One day a para at the school came into my room while I was trying to figure out schedules and she asked if I had asked for God to help me with it.  It was wonderful and what I needed, so many times I forget to speak with God throughout my entire day, it was great to have a reminder. 

The things I do most often in Mountain Village are: go to the post office, AC grocery store, walk down to the river, go to the school and work, go berry picking, go running, or hiking, play games, watch movies, and have things like Friday Night Salmon Night. :)   Hiking, running, and berries I don't do by myself cuz its kinda outside of the village. 

I also have decided to claim a cute white dog as my own, sort of. I don't really want a dog inside, but they say that ppl shoot dogs if they aren't tied up. So....we will see.  I will hopefully get a pic posted soon, i just see her randomly but she is sweet, I call her Sweetie--very creative right....

Okay sorry for the looooong blog and no pictures....I hopefully will have a camera soon and share many pictures with you!

So, I added one pic, it is from our hike in Anchorage during the new teacher orientation, the mountain is called Flat Top I believe.  It was pretty amazing!